Storage Overview
Storage Used

Free Quota


Used Storage


Token Storage Quota


Platform Uptime
Last 30 days
How It Works
Welcome to DESYNC! Here's how you can use our decentralized storage platform:
1. Upload Files

Click the Upload File button to select files from your device. Files are securely stored on the decentralized IPFS network. Each file gets a unique CID for retrieval.

2. Manage Your Storage

View your storage usage in the Storage Overview section. Monitor used storage and see your allocation based on token holdings.

3. Access Your Files

Find uploaded files in the File Management section. Options available: View (preview your file), Download (retrieve files via IPFS), Delete (free up space).

4. Token-Based Storage

Token holders automatically receive extra storage based on their holdings. Check your allocation in the Token Quota section.

5. Secure File Access

Files are encrypted before storage, ensuring only you can access them. Decrypt files locally using your private key.

File Management

DeSync Storage Model

Storage Model

100,000 $DSC (0.1%)5 GBLifetime
250,000 $DSC (0.25%)15 GBLifetime
500,000 $DSC (0.5%)40 GBLifetime
1,000,000 $DSC (1%)100 GBLifetime
2,500,000 $DSC (2.5%)300 GBLifetime
Token Quota

Current Token Holdings

0 $--